Lens: 50mm
This weekend, I took my camera and two lenses to Ritz Camera to see what could be done about my problem of “no auto focus” on either of my zoom lenses. It must be the camera. So I thought I had better get them in the shop so that maybe I would get them out by the holidays.
Ritz Camera because it’s the only major camera shop I know of in the area and when I say area that means it is about an hour and fifteen minutes away. The only lens that I have working now is the one I bought at Ritz Camera and purchased extended warranty. I think that the extended warranty works more based on karma than actual guarantee.
Advice to take or leave: If you are serious about your passion for photography, buy your camera and equipment from a real live camera store. Duh
Anyway, the store was busy but I didn’t have to wait long before a rep came to help. I showed him the two lenses with that didn’t auto focus and the camera. He tried out a couple of things. Tried the lenses on another camera body, no focus. Tried my camera body with new lenses, it focused. While he was at it he cleaned the sensor. Very cool. But when it came down to diagnosing the problem and the he technical term that he came back with was: "They’re broke”.
While the camera is not to blame, the motors in the lenses are broke. And because I bought cheap glass, it would cost me more to pay the flat rate to have them fixed than just go buy another one.
Advice to take or leave: Buy the best glass you can afford.
My best bet is going to be to send them off to Nikon and see what they say. The rep said it was very unusual for the same problem to hit the same person twice. Yeah, OK that and lighting.
I went to the Nikon website and printed out a packing slip to be shipped with the lenses. I hope I will be able to report good things about this soon. Mean while I am trapped in a creative box of using only my one lens, the 50 mm.